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...... 歷史是最好的教科書,也是最好的清醒劑。現實是未來的歷史,疫情當下,我們正身處未來的歷史中,這一段關於「新型冠狀病毒」的記憶註定將刻骨銘心,載入新中國史冊。記下的,不僅僅是病毒的致命和無情,捕殺獵食野生動物的慘痛教訓,還有全國人民共同「抗疫」的團結精神,醫護捨己為人的忘我犧牲精神,人類命運共同體的休戚與共…… ...... 基礎英語B(1)課程組 第一周的「新型冠狀病毒」主題已結束, 你從「抗疫」中學到了什麼? 我院19級同學的回答是: Strict ban should be put on the capture, transportation, trade and slaughter of wild animals.Governments ought to establish pre-alarm mechanism and at the same time advance emergency treatment capacity.The public are supposed to enhance the vigilance on disease and potential dangers as well as the ability to cope with epidemic. The sense of social responsibility is also to be heightened. Only then could the country, the society and the people, under the command of the Party, work together to weather the hard times. 政府部門應嚴格禁止捕獲、運輸、貿易和屠殺野生動物,同時提高對突發事件的預警和處理能力。相應地,公眾應該提高對疾病和潛在危險的警惕性,增強應對流行病的能力,並且增強社會責任感。唯有如此,我們才能聽從黨和國家的指揮,舉國上下,共渡難關。 ——英語1901班 常騏韻 The plague made us be aware of the severity of slaughtering and trading of wildlife, set alarm bells ringing about the rapacity and brutality of humankind, for which the laws of banning wildlife trade are in pressing need. Besides,the outbreakhas grown into an international pandemic. Given this,we need to firm up our solidarity regardless of the boundaries of countries. All the rumors and doubts must be wiped out and the notion of 「a community of shared future for mankind」 be resolutely implemented.Only then, can we prevail over the plague and win the arduous battle in the end. 此次疫情讓人們意識到屠殺與買賣野生動物事態的嚴重性,為人們的貪婪與殘忍拉響了警鐘,因此設立嚴禁野生動物交易的法律法規勢在必行。此外,鑒於疫情已經爆發,全世界人民更要團結一心,打擊謠言,抹除懷疑,堅決貫徹人類命運共同體的政治理念。只有這樣,我們最終才能戰勝疫情,贏得這場持久戰的勝利。 ——英語1901班 王琦瑤 We never know which comes first, tomorrow or the accident.During this battle, everyone makes effort to prevent and control the plague. But this is far from enough.We also need to find the source of the tragedy and break the vicious circle from wildlife to deadly plague.And here's what we can do: Love animals as ourselves. Only then will the world be better. 我們永遠都不知道明天和意外哪個先來。在這場戰役中,我們每個人都盡了自己的力量來預防和控制疫情。但這是遠遠不夠的,我們還需要追溯悲劇的根源,打破野生動物到致命瘟疫的惡性循環。現在我們可以做的便是像熱愛自己一樣愛護動物。只有這樣這個世界才會變得更加美好。 ——英語1902班 呂冰 Firstly, don't be gluttonous. Human should ban the trade of wild animals permanently and comprehensively and live in harmony with nature. Secondly, we are supposed to raise our awareness of protection and pay attention to our health. For example, wash our hands often with soap, cover our mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing.Thirdly, we need to stay calm and avoid overreacting when confronted the epidemic. Additionally, we should firm up our confidence, stay united in the battle against the epidemic, and firmly believe that the country and the Party will win the battle. 首先,不能貪婪。人類應當全面並永久禁止買賣野生動物,與大自然和諧相處。其次,我們應當提高自我保護意識,注意衛生。例如,經常用肥皂洗手,打噴嚏或咳嗽時遮住口鼻。第三,面對疫情,我們要保持冷靜,避免做出過激的反應。另外,我們應當堅定信心,在抗擊疫情的鬥爭中團結一致,毫不動搖地相信我們的黨和國家能夠贏得這場戰爭。 ——英語1902班 黃越 For one thing, we are supposed to handle livestock with care. In the meantime, we'd better not consume wildlife any more. For another, as a qualified Chinese citizen, when we face a crisis, we need to maintain our sanity, believe in the country's leadership and resolutely implement the decisions of the CPC Central Committee.Only if every individual does his/her own job, can we cross every obstacle in front of us. 一方面,我們應該謹慎處理家禽。同時,我們最好不要再買賣野生動物。另一方面,作為一個合格的中國公民,當我們面對危急情況時,我們應該保持理性,相信國家的領導,堅定實施中共中央的一切決定。只有每個公民都做好他/她的事情,我們才能跨過橫亙在我們面前的一切阻礙。 ——英語1902班 沈泓希 We should sum up the experience from this epidemic lest we should make the same mistake.People should not break the bottom line of the law to capture wild animals.To protect wild animals is to guarantee our own safety.In face of the challenge, we need to work together. And most importantly, we need to be confident that we can defeat the virus. 我們應該總結這次傳染病疫情的經驗,以免重蹈覆轍。人們不應該觸犯法律的底線去肆意捕捉野生動物。因為這不僅是對野生動物的保護,也是我們人類安全的保障。面對這次挑戰,我們需要齊心協力,共同努力。而最重要的是,我們要有能夠戰勝病毒的堅定信念。 ——英語1903班 陳盧珊珊 Stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results.Even though someone had foreseen such a plague, we paid little attention to that. Thanks to the strong measures taken by our government, the epidemic is generally under control. What we can do now is a drop in the bucket. However, we should avoid overreacting and stay at home to make every effort to break the vicious circle from wildlife to deadly plague. We can prevail over the outbreak this time and we need to prevent the future ones. 同樣的事情一而再地發生,我們卻期望得到不同的結果,這就是我們愚鈍了。雖然此前已有人預見到這樣的災禍,我們卻未曾關注。此次疫情的控制也是多虧了政府採取的強有力的措施。雖然此刻我們力所能及之事只是杯水車薪,但我們仍可以盡我們的綿薄之力,不做過度的行為,呆在家裡打破新冠病毒人傳人的惡性循環。我們一定可以戰勝疫情度過難關,未來也要避免重蹈覆轍! ——英語1904班 章詩雯 I learned a lot from this pandemic. First, never should we kill wild animals simply for human's gluttonous nature. To ban wild animal trade and prevent such disaster from happening again, strict laws and regulations should be set.Then, it's time to improve the medical system as well as increase research on viruses.The earlier a disease could be detected, the less damage it would causes. Last but not least, in any critical circumstances, love and hope are two very things that we should never give up. Though diseases and disasters may be frightening, human's bravery and solidarity are always the most powerful weapons to defeat them. 從本次疫情中我學到了很多。首先,人類永遠不該為了一己私慾而去傷害野生動物。為了禁止野生動物的買賣,防止類似災難再次發生,我們應該設立嚴格的法律法規。其次,完善醫療制度並增加病毒方面的研究刻不容緩。一種疾病越早被發現,它所造成的損失也就越小。最後,不論情況多麼嚴峻,我們永遠都不能放棄愛與希望。疾病與災難再可怕,人類的勇敢與團結永遠是戰勝他們最強大的武器。 ——英語1904班 陳詠儀 The outbreak of this plague is not only China's disaster, but also a worldwide crisis, through which we can catch a glimpse of some problems confronting the whole humankind. Due to our greed and ignorance, the balance between human and nature has been destroyed and nobody can stay out of that. All of us are part of the links. It’s high time that we examined our way of life. Otherwise, the next pandemic is lurking somewhere out there, ready to attack. 此次疫情不僅是中國的災難,也是全球化的危機。通過它我們可以瞥見全人類面臨的共同問題。由於人類的貪婪、無知,人與自然之間的平衡已被破壞,沒有人能獨善其身。我們所有人都被捲入其中。現在該是我們審視自己生活方式的時候了。否則,下一波疫情必定潛伏在某處,伺機攻擊! ——英語1904班 李思雨 Initially, we shall not capture, slaughter or trade wild animals any more, even just for our own good. Secondly, when a plague breaks out, it’s advisable to isolate ourselves from others in case of further contagion. At the same time, there is no need to panic as long as we follow the lead of the authorities. In addition,never should we doubt those who risk their lives to fight against the epidemic on the front-lines, whose devotion and contributions can never be praised too much.Last but most importantly, we should keep it in mind that solidarity makes us stronger, strong enough to go through those difficulties. 首先,我們應該停止捕獵、屠殺和交易野生動物,就算這只是為了我們自己。其次,當一場瘟疫爆發時,為了避免進一步的傳染,進行隔離是明智的選擇。同時,只要我們遵從政府的指示和安排,我們就沒有必要恐慌。再者,我們永遠不應該去質疑那些冒著生命危險奮鬥在疫情前線的人,他們的貢獻是無以言表的。最後但也是最重要的是,我們要時刻牢記於心,是團結一致讓我們能夠更加堅強,堅強到我們能夠挺過這些困難。 ——英語1905班 黃雪純 Through this horrible plague, I realized the significance of ascertaining the truth and remaining calm. After the outbreak of the corona-virus, numerous rumors with suspicious intentions emerged, causing great consternation, which disturbed the prevention and control of the virus. It should be noted that we must have faith in our country. 通過這次可怕的災難,我意識到了查明真相和保持冷靜的重要性。在冠狀病毒爆發之後,許多有著可疑意圖的謠言出現了,導致了巨大的恐慌,這一現象妨礙了病毒的防控工作。值得注意的是,我們必須對我們的國家有信心。 ——英語1905班 顧斯涵 The coronavirus, like wars, brings our strong emotions, ranging from fear, anger and nervousness.With millions of people corralled in their own home, we witness the rampage of the virus and also the complicated humanity. Some are horrified at the contagion of the plague. Some are zealous with selling medical equipment at a ridiculous prices. Others are desperately devoting themselves into curing victims. Having seen so many reaction to this disaster, I learn to respect these people fighting at the frontline and tell truth from countless rumors. 冠狀病毒,與戰爭一樣,激起了我們強烈的情感,這其中有恐懼,有憤怒,也有緊張。隨著成千上萬人被困家中,我們也目睹了病毒的肆虐和複雜的人性。有些人被病毒的蔓延嚇壞了,有人瘋狂地銷售著天價醫療器械,當然也有人義無反顧地投身抗疫一線。看到了這麼多對疫情的不同反映,我學會了尊重那些在前線抗擊病毒的人們和分辨謠言與事實。 ——英語1905班 程林暄 The outbreak of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia made me realize that the world is becoming a 「global village" and growing as a community, and countries really need to work together to solve the problem.As relations between nations in business, travel and transportation get closer, viruses are likely to spread across the world. It has become an enemy against human beings, and only by collective work will we defeat the virus! 突如其來的新型冠狀病毒肺炎讓我意識到:世界正在成為一個「地球村」,作為一個共同體不斷發展,各國需要共同努力才能解決問題。隨著國與國之間商業、旅遊和交通的聯繫日益緊密,病毒全球傳播成為可能。如今,病毒已經成為人類公敵,只有共同努力,我們才能戰勝它! ——英語1906班 傅佳 The plague teaches me a lesson that we should overcome difficulties with strong resolve, willing and determination. During the severe virus battle, our Chinese people stay united and obey the requirements firmly.Confronted with such serious virus, doctors and nurses work around the clock on the front-line, fighting as warriors in this smokeless battle. The outbreak of NCP lets me realize the threat from illegal wildlife trade. And I sincerely hope China can return to its original vigor and prosperity. 這一次新冠肺炎疫情教會我:要以堅定的決心、意志來克服困難。在這一嚴峻的病毒抗爭中,中國人民始終團結一心,堅決執行命令。哪怕是面臨著這麼嚴重的病毒,醫生護士們夜以繼日,奮戰在這沒有硝煙的戰場。這次新冠病毒的爆發讓我意識到了非法野生動物貿易的危害。我衷心希望中國能恢復到原先的活力和繁榮。 ——英語1906班 陳佳欣 I learned from this pandemic that solidarity is the most important thing when facing troubles or disasters.Thanks to our doctors and nurses saving lives in the hospital, scientists and experts researching in the lab day and night, policemen and soldiers guarding the whole country and citizens staying at home spontaneously for nearly a month, the epidemic will soon be under control. Therefore, no matter what happens, as long as our whole country fight together, everything will be all right. 這次疫情讓我明白了,面對困難或災難時,最重要的是團結。正因為有在醫院拯救生命的醫護人員,在實驗室日以繼夜辛勤研究的科學家和專家,守衛著整個國家的警察和士兵,自發獃在家中近一個月的公民,疫情將很快得到有效控制。因此,不管發生什麼,只要我們整個國家團結起來,一切都會好的。 ——英語1907班 張匯 "Awe of nature is one of the most essential virtues forever."This thought keeps emerging in my mind these days.Back viewing the nightmare, no one can forget it. In my view, catching wildlife is the devil creating this epidemic. The pitiful groans, muffled sighs all flooded back to my head, when I was checking the news on the phone. It always reminds me of the malignant illegal trade. How and when can every human being stop seeking extravagant profit? I raise questions and plead these merchants. But every coin has two sides.It is through the plague that let me catch sight of love, power and warm, which adds to my faith in CPC. Thousands of millions military and medical heroes are fighting on the front line, tons of goods and materials are sent to Wuhan, a brand new hospital is being built just in ten days. So we have enough confidence to prevail over the battle with the whole country! 「敬畏自然永遠是最基本的美德之一。」這一股思緒時常在我腦海里翻湧。回首這段夢魘般肆虐的疫情日子,每個人都擁有無法釋懷的回憶與不同尋常的頓悟。 在我看來,人們捕獲野生動物的行為,便是那製造疫病的惡魔。當我解讀手機中的有關新聞時,令人悲憫的呻吟和低沉的嘆息每每灌入腦中。這總使我想起那萬惡之源——非法貿易。到底要到何時,做到怎樣,人類才能停止不擇手段地牟取暴利?我向不法商人提問,也向他們乞求。 但一件事總有好壞兩面,就像硬幣擁有花面與數字面。正是通過這次災難,我才得以瞥見愛、勇敢與溫暖。那些感人的舉動增加著我對中國共產黨的信念與欽佩。不計其數的軍隊、醫護人員奔赴疫情第一線,數以噸計的物資被送往武漢,十天要建成一所全新的醫院......如此眾志成城,團結一心,我們有著足夠的信心打贏這場全國性的戰「疫」! ——英語1907班 高瑜 Human could use technology to conquer the nature and meet our own requirements,whereas the true essence of technology is to better understand the nature. So we should be in awe of nature and keep a balance between nature and human.Then, in this arduous battle, strong resolve and persistence are essential. But, what’s the most important is unity. China has set a record for controlling the disease, which is tightly connected with the efforts from all walks of life. Besides, it’s without doubt that international cooperation can make a difference. Only when every country works together, can we win the battle. 人類可以用科技來征服自然並滿足自己的需求,但是,科學的真諦是為了更好的了解自然。因此,我們應該敬畏自然,並且保持自然和人類之間的平衡。同時,在這場艱苦的戰役中,堅定的決心和堅持是必不可少的。但最重要的是團結。中國能夠這麼快地控制疫情與各行各業的人們的努力是分不開的。此外,國際合作毫無疑問會發揮很大的作用。只要各國共同努力,我們就能打贏這場戰爭。 ——翻譯1901班 王淑倩 Doctors and nurses are heroes who are playing a significant role in preventing and controlling the contagion. Under no circumstances should anyone be a bystander, especially when China is in such a big trouble. Every citizen should have a sense of social responsibility,taking care of of ourselves by staying at home and reaching out our hands to assist others. We Chinese are expected to firm up our confidence and pull together to fight together. Party members also proved to have put people'sinterests as the highest priority by resolutely implement the decisions of the CPC. We also need to call on the unity of every country because the world is a community of shared future. No country could be a complete winner countering such epidemic, but with unity and kindness, we all can survive in the end. Last but not least. it is wise for human to be friendly with all creatures on the earth. Otherwise, all of us will be punished. 如英雄般的醫護人員在防控疫情方面發揮著重要作用。在任何情況下,尤其是中國遇難之際,任何人都不應袖手旁觀。每個公民應懷揣社會責任感,在家中照顧好自己並向他人施以援手。我們中國人當堅定信心,團結一致,共同戰鬥。黨員堅決執行黨的各項決定,也用行動證明了人民利益至上。 同時,基於人類命運共同體理念,我們號召各國人民的團結。抗擊疫情沒有完勝者,但團結和善良可以助我們取得最後的勝利。最後,對於人類而言,與地球上所有的生物友好相處方為上策。否則,懲罰將至,無一倖免。 ——翻譯1901班 應陳鴻 -Moral Integrity and Academic Excellence- 撰稿 | 基礎英語B(1)課程組










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